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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2013-11-15  來源:實驗室資訊網
核心提示:  酵母細胞的細胞壁比較厚,不容易破壁,不如大腸桿菌的質粒 容易提取,最近做了些釀酒酵母的實驗,從釀酒酵母中提取質粒,現(xiàn)在
酵母細胞的細胞壁比較厚,不容易破壁,不如大腸桿菌的質粒 容易提取,最近做了些釀酒酵母的實驗,從釀酒酵母中提取質粒,現(xiàn)在就總結下實驗的方法和步驟。
酵母細胞質粒提取 步驟
1. 接種單菌落(待檢測酵母細胞)于25mLYNB(補加氨基酸 營養(yǎng)物)培養(yǎng)基中,30℃振蕩培養(yǎng)過夜。
4.將懸浮液倒入高壓破壁儀的樣品管中,利用高壓破碎機進行破碎細胞壁,壓力加到20Mpa,停留15s,降壓,反復來回壓3次.取出細胞液,取一滴于顯微鏡下觀察,如果細胞呈不規(guī)則的球狀時,而且其流動性 比較大,說明其細胞壁已經破碎成為原生質體.
7.將水相移到另一EP管中,加入等體積的鹵仿異戊醇混合液(鹵仿:異戊醇=24:1), 混勻,12000g,離心10min.
8. 將水相移到另一EP管中,加入1/10體積的3M KAC溶液和2倍體積的無水乙醇,放入-20℃冰箱中
1. 酚氯仿劇烈振蕩方法破壁:培養(yǎng)好的1ml酵母細胞在STE溶液中洗滌兩次后,用70ulTE緩沖液重旋!加入50ul玻璃珠(sigma公司),加入80-100ul酚氯仿,劇烈振蕩5-10分種后,使用氯仿抽取去除酚和蛋白,然后按照其他步驟沉淀就可以得到你的質粒,DNA的提取也可以使用這種方法。
2.反復凍融破壁:培養(yǎng)好的1ml酵母細胞在STE溶液中洗滌兩次后,加入200ul緩沖液[2% Triton X-100, 1% SDS, 100 mM NaCl, 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.0), 1 mM EDTA (pH 8.0)],使用液氮和96-98度沸水反復凍融3-5次,然后使用酚氯仿抽提蛋白!其余步驟參考其他文獻
For yeast plasmid extraction we use the following method:
Buffer A: 100 mM NaCl 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8) 1 mM EDTA 0.1 % SDS
1. Culture the plasmid-harboring cells overnight in 1 - 2 ml of medium. Cells with 1 - 4 OD600/ml are needed.2. Pulse 5-10 sec at 15'000 rpm (maximum speed) (in an Eppendorf tube).3. Throw away the supernatant.4. Resuspend in 200 µl of buffer A, keep cells on ice.5. Add glass beads just before the solution surface, mix with a vortex during 1 minute and sonicate.6. Add 200 µl of phenol.7. Vortex another minute.8. Centrifuge at 15'000 rpm for 1 minute.9. Throw away the phenol phase.10. Add 200 µl of phenol and reextract the same way.11. Take the water solution (about 200 µl) which contains the plasmids and treat with Glassmilk: add 600 µl of NaI solution and 5 µl Glassmilk suspension, put the tubes on the wheel for 5 min., then pellet the Glassmilk/DNA complex (pulse 5 sec), remove the supernatant and set aside, then wash the pellet 3 times with 300 µl New Wash, then pulse for 5 sec to remove the New Wash.12. Elute the DNA into water (20 µl) or TE buffer.
When not using the GeneClean-kit, another protocol can be applied:Steps 1 to 9 remain the same as above. Then:
10. Add 200 ml phenol/chloroform 1:1 and vortex.11. Centrifuge at 15'000 rpm for 1 minute.12. Throw away the phenol phase.13. Add others 200 µl of chloroform and reextract the same way.14. Take the water phase and adjust the volume to 400 ml with water.15. Add 40 ml 3M NaCl.16. Add ca. 1 ml of ethanol 100 %.17. Put the tube at -20 0C for about 10 min..18. Centrifuge at 4 0C for 10 min. at maximum speed.19. Throw away the supernatant.20. Wash the pellet once with ethanol 80 % and once with ethanol 100 %.21. Dry the pellet by putting the tube upside down on a Kleenex.22. Resuspend the pellet in 50 ml TE buffer.

關鍵詞: 酵母細胞 質粒提取
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